Company History

Still Standing Apparel began in 2023, emerging as an idea of a Marine Corps Infantry veteran after leaving the service and losing his sense of identity. He was alone in battling with his mental state for years, going through each day with anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues, loss of self, and ultimately developing suicidal considerations. The thought of getting the word out to the world about how severe the mental health crisis is in America came to him in early 2021, and the plans for the basis of a new clothing brand began shortly after. While noticing that not only do veterans suffer from daily struggles, but everyone in the country, he set out to build a symbol of strength that anyone can wear and feel proud to showcase.


Our mission is to pave a new way of supporting and inspiring the people of the world to persevere through their daily struggles and major life events, improving mental health and healing communities with a strong symbol of freedom, strength, pride, and identity.


We are cultivating a new generation of mentally resilient, self-confident, and proud men and women who no longer feel the weight of the world, but rather feel free and strong.


Still Standing Apparel is ran in accordance with two simple, yet powerful conditions; always have honor and respect. With these two values in mind, anyone can succeed in an ever changing world. They may be simple, but the impact that these values have on our everyday lives is impressive. Honor and respect pave the way for a good, well lived, and experienced life that is full of wisdom and content. 

About the Owner

Still Standing Apparel was founded by a United States Marine Corps Infantry veteran of 5+ years who now works as a Personal Protection Specialist in the state of Texas. With his primary focus being his loved ones, he dedicated his time to being the provider and protector his family and friends needed. After years of mental turmoil and no outlet within reach, he began building the brand and symbol he hopes will soon be the shining beacon seen throughout the world as a sign of strength and resilience. With the help of the Still Standing brand, he believes he can not only help his loved ones improve their mental toughness but also improve the world they live in by helping everyone he can with his message and purpose.

About the Logo

Designed by Emma Alexander, our lead visual designer, the primary logo showcases a monogram of two reflective S's to the name "Still Standing" in a minimalistic yet memorable geometric letter shape. The pentagon outline appears badge-like, an ode to those seen in the United States military. For a visual representation of the brand's core values: power, strength, and endurance, a rhino is used.

The secondary logo includes the brand's name centered between the monogram split in half.